
CRITERION: Bicycle Thieves and Manchurian Candidate Arrive in March

Criterion announced Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves and John Frankenheimer's Manchurian Candidate will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray in March.

Originally released on DVD via Criterion in 2007, this marks the debut of Bicycle Thieves on Blu.

The Manchurian Candidate receives its introduction into the Criterion Collection. It originally dropped on DVD and Blu-ray via MGM with the Blu released in 2011.

Both will be single-disc Blus. Bicycle Thieves, like its past release, will remain a 2-disc DVD to Manchurian's single disc.

Bonus features are planned to accompany each disc (below).

Manchurian Candidate arrives on March 15th and Bicycle Thieves on March 29th.

Hailed around the world as one of the greatest movies ever made, the Academy Award-winning Bicycle Thieves, directed by Vittorio De Sica, defined an era in cinema. In poverty-stricken postwar Rome, a man is on his first day of a new job that offers hope of salvation for his desperate family when his bicycle, which he needs for his work, is stolen. With his young son in tow, he sets off to track down the thief. Simple in construction and profoundly rich in human insight, Bicycle Thieves embodies the greatest strengths of the Italian neorealist movement: emotional clarity, social rectitude, and brutal honesty.


  • New, restored high-definition digital transfer (4K on the Blu-ray), with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
  • Working with De Sica, a collection of interviews with screenwriter Suso Cecchi d'Amico, actor Enzo Staiola, and film scholar Callisto Cosulich
  • Life as It Is, a program on the history of Italian neorealism, featuring scholar Mark Shiel
  • Documentary from 2003 on screenwriter and longtime Vittorio De Sica collaborator Cesare Zavattini, directed by Carlo Lizzani
  • Optional English-dubbed soundtrack
  • PLUS: A book featuring essays by critic Godfrey Cheshire and filmmaker Charles Burnett, classic writing by Zavattini and critic André Bazin, and reminiscences by De Sica and his collaborators

The name John Frankenheimer became forever synonymous with heart-in-the-throat filmmaking when this quintessential sixties political thriller was released.

Set in the early fifties, this razor-sharp adaptation of the novel by Richard Condon concerns the decorated U.S. Army sergeant Raymond Shaw (Laurence Harvey), who as a prisoner during the Korean War is brainwashed into being a sleeper assassin in a Communist conspiracy, and a fellow POW (Frank Sinatra) who slowly uncovers the sinister plot. In an unforgettable, Oscar-nominated performance, Angela Lansbury plays Raymond's villainous mother, the controlling wife of a witch-hunting anti-Communist senator with his eyes on the White House.

The rare film to be suffused with Cold War paranoia while also taking aim at the frenzy of the McCarthy era, The Manchurian Candidate remains potent, shocking American moviemaking.


  • New, restored 4K digital transfer, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
  • Audio commentary from 1997 featuring director John Frankenheimer
  • New interview with actor Angela Lansbury
  • New piece featuring filmmaker Errol Morris discussing his appreciation for The Manchurian Candidate
  • Conversation between Frankenheimer, screenwriter George Axelrod, and actor Frank Sinatra from 1988
  • New interview with historian Susan Carruthers about the Cold War brainwashing scare
  • Trailer