Paramount has set November 15th as the release date for The Lucy Show - The Complete Series.
This set marks the first time the entire series, running from 1962-1968 has been available as a complete set.
The Lucy Show stars Lucille Ball as Lucy Carmichael, a single mother raising her kids with best friend Vivian Bagley (I Love Lucy alum Vivian Vance). The first season of The Lucy Show debuted on DVD in 2009.
Bonus features have not been announced.
This series is only available to purchase at ClassicFlix with individual seasons rentable.
Your Lucy collection just isn't complete without this set, uniting 156 digitally remastered episodes from all six seasons of The Lucy Show.
The follow-up to the legendary I Love Lucy finds our beloved redhead in an all-new role. As single mom Lucy Carmichael, she raises her kids with an assist from sharp-tongued housemate Vivian Bagley (Vivian Vance). With Lucy's classic knack for manic misunderstandings, she's constantly tangling with frantic bank manager Mr. Theodore J. Mooney (Gale Gordon).
With a cast of regulars (Candy Moore, Jimmy Garrett, Ralph Hart, and Mary Jane Croft) and a star-studded array of guests (including John Wayne, Dean Martin, Danny Thomas, and Milton Berle), expect familiar faces and unforgettable fun.