ClassicFlix Newsletter - Volume 1, Issue 2
Officially out two weeks from today, I, The Jury (Special Limited Edition, 4K UHD/BD/3DBD Combo) has started shipping for those who have purchased the set at We've also cut a custom trailer which you can see below.
Reviews are already starting to come in for Jury and Matt Hough at Home Theater Forum lauds the release saying the image is "beautifully rendered with Alton’s crisp black and white photography offering endless shadows and wonderfully detailed close-ups", among other superlatives.
I, The Jury isn't the only Mickey Spillane sourced film that is finally being made available on home video as we can now share that next spring we'll be releasing 1954's The Long Wait. Beautifully photographed, the gripping film noir stars Anthony Quinn, Charles Coburn, Gene Evans and Peggie Castle and will be debuting on 4KUHD, Blu-ray and DVD.
Have you made it over to Kickstarter yet to support the upcoming release The Abbott and Costello Show - Season 2? If not, there are only 3 days left until the campaign ends so secure your copy today!
Like Season 1 which we released last December, Season 2 will boast stunning, new restorations that have to be seen to believed as very few, if any, 1950s TV shows look this good.
Currently the only way to pre-order Season 2 is through Kickstarter, but it will eventually be made available for wide release.
For those in the DC Metro area, the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center will be hosting a Silent Cinema Showcase from October 28 - November 23rd. As part of the program, four of our Little Rascal (Our Gang) silent restorations will be shown on Sunday, November 13th with live accompaniment. The shorts are The Big Show, Derby Day, Dogs of War! (all 1923) and Mary, Queen of Tots (1925). For more information go tho AFI's website.
O. Henry, Volume 3
We still do get a number of emails regarding Volume 3 for the TV series O. Henry. The final 13 episodes of the series have been scanned and are currently in restoration. The release will be announced soon with a likely February street date. Also, Volume 2 is currently on back order, but we should have it back in stock in the next week or so
For those interested in learning more about the series, you can find great information about it at
The Little Rascal Volumes
Previously out of stock, we've received a number of returns from our distributor for Volumes 1 - 5 of The Little Rascals so all are currently in stock and available to ship. Volume 6 is still out of stock and likely won't be available until we re-press more next year.
Our Next Sale
We have four sales a year and our Winter Blowout Sale in mid-November is coming up soon. Most titles will be part of the sale, including Volumes 1 - 5 of The Little Rascals mentioned above.
About the newsletter:
We get a lot of questions regarding all things related to our label. As such, we've decided to start a newsletter to be posted on a regular basis. We plan to inform on all things happening at ClassicFlix, including upcoming releases and projects, frequent catalog questions, sneak peaks and exclusive clips, and much more.